• Sitting here on New Year’s Eve thinking about the people I haven’t spent as much time with this year as I’d like and damn, you folks are going to know it in 2020.

  • 🎵 Industrial Revelation, “Old Man Soul” might be my song of the decade.

  • I swear I wasn’t trying to dig up my electronics graveyard.

    Top to bottom: iPod mini, Gen 1 iPhone, iPod, Palm Tungsten T3, Handspring Visor Edge, Handspring Visor Platinum

  • Younger daughter gave me an inspirational poster for my home office! 🥰

    Code Smart, Live, Love

  • Daughter took one of the sketches from her art “collage” and watercolored it as her Xmas gift to us. 😍

    Swimmer/mermaid watercolor

  • Where did this UX trend begin of changing a checkbox/switch’s label to reflect current state (or worse, next state when toggled)? It is horrible.

  • Wife got a Totoro onesie! 🥰

    My wife in a Totoro onesie

  • I have only ever seen “The Good Girl” once, but every time I watch “Elf”, the first scene with Zooey Deschanel makes me think of her role in that film.

  • A Minnesotan Blood Mary 🤣

    Bloody Mary with lefse “garnish”

  • “Life is pain. Get used to it.”

  • Every time I use our Xbox One, I get so frustrated with the UI. It just seems implemented to lose you in a morass of setting and purchasing rather than giving you easy access to the great games you already have.

  • 🎵 Eddy Arnold, “Christmas with Eddy Arnold

    My favorite Christmas album nobody else seems to know.

  • ‘Tis the season for updated privacy policies. 😕

  • Apologies to the cast of “Freaks & Geeks” but, even though they’ve done great things the last 20 years, whenever I see one of them I want to rewatch the show.

    Then I get grumpy that it doesn’t seem to be available anywhere digitally. 🤬

  • 🎵 Subsignal, “La Muerta

  • I‘ve been staring at my annual physical bloodwork, stunned that my blood glucose has dropped from 115 21mo ago (and had been just over 100 since 2010) to… 72. 🥳

    Looking forward to lipid panel results: My cholesterol levels were already significantly better last year. 🏆🔬🩸

  • 🎵 Stephan Thelen, “Fractal Guitar

  • I never would have predicted that one of my 8yo’s often-used phrases would be “soooo satisfying”. Way to go, YouTube.

  • 14yo daughter laid out a collage of her favorite (approved for sharing) artwork from 2019. Always blows my mind to see how good she is and know that she’ll become even more skilled. 😍🥰

    Many pages of sketches and colorings laid out on the floor

  • There are some great deals on boardgames direct from Eagle-Gryphon Games right now. I just purchased 5 games I’m looking forward to playing for $50 incl shipping. “Through the Ages”, perhaps my fave game ever, is only $35 right now too if you love big games.

  • Another excellent track choice from @theweeklylisten, even if the episode is shorter than the track itself. 😆 I love this album/EP. www.theweeklylisten.com/2019/12/0…

  • Seriously, you don’t need to cram more items in a grid on AppleTV. Let them breathe; let me read.

  • The one time we did a family photo shoot intending to make Christmas cards, the photographer didn’t get them to us in time and I kid you not we still have 100+ cards of us when our now-8yo was an infant.

    The other shoot was just before my wife started chemo for breast cancer. It was an emotional and miserable shoot; we just ended up sharing it digitally.

  • One of these decades, we are going to feel stable enough in our living situation to get our shit together in time to organize Christmas cards. Yet again, this is not that year.

    Maybe we’ll just surprise people with “Happy Summer Solstice” cards sometime.

  • 14yo daughter needs a “scientific calculator” for school so I’m handing her my HP-42S. Please tell me I’m not making a mistake here. 😰

    (It was fun to see her and my wife’s reactions when I pulled out the Owner and Programming manuals. 🤓)

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